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Hello! Meet our family. 

Each of us have our own interests, but we have worked on sharing a few common goals: being together, having more connection to the real world, and finding ways to do so without breaking the bank or keeping up with the Joneses.  We like to homestead and get as far into the wilderness as we can with kids.  That's why most of our ideas for this company refer to the URBAN Frontier: combining modern and city life with the earthy, handy, harder stuff that character and joy can come from.

We believe in the power and beauty and importance of heritage.

God gives us all a heritage and we just do our best to honor it, find joy in it, and pass it on to our children.


Whether that is the great outdoors, family time, enjoying a good meal, being not just child-friendly or family-friendly but .... but investing in the long-term picture of that child or family. 

It is best to do these things in the easiest way possible, instead of having a high-falutin' goal in the clouds that has to be perfect.  Make the close-by or easy goals your target and you will do these things more often!

Lastly, we have learned that having something to do outside, hands-on, and away from the more fast-paced modern world can be so life-giving and enrich the relationships our family is built upon.

That's why we have built this little company, to encourage your family as you walk down your own heritage road.

Giving Back
Texas State Parks

Our homesteading and heritage journey began when we first joined a "Prepper" group and realized we needed to exercise our outdoor survival (with kids) skills.

In our area, most of the best places to do that activity are our state parks.  We've met the most wonderful people, enjoyed decent amenities, found hidden geological gems, and practiced our not-so-off-the-grid camping with babies, toddlers and young children here in Texas.

As a Sporting Goods store, 100% of our sales taxes go to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and the Texas Historical Commission.  Yeah, you just heard us shout "YeeHaw!"

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