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Trinity River Access Detail: The Cleveland 105 Bridge

About 18 miles east of Cleveland the Texas State Highway 105 Crosses the Trinity River.

The access is on the west bank on the southern sides of the highway. There are no amenities at this class 2 access. I should clarify that the launch is a class 2 but the road off the highway leading to the river has some rough spots. The rough road conditions pretty much starts at the apron right at the highway. I have seen a minivan parked under the bridge. That proves that a driver familiar with this access can get by with just about anything with four tires.

For explanation of river accesses ratings please read the articles Classification of Water Accesses and Scouting River Bridges & Accesses.

The easement road leads to a large sandbar. Some people launched trailered boats from this sandbar, but driving over these unimproved surfaces is at your own risk.

The black truck in the distance is stuck.

Look closely in the images below, you can spot the minivan.

In the summer time this sandbar is frequently visited. Unfortunately there is a sizable dump along the edge of the woods.

The 787 Romayor Bridge is bout twenty miles upstream. Twenty-six miles downstream is the Liberty 90 Bridge.

For details on other river accesses please see the bottom of the article Classifications of Water Accesses.

Thanks for reading!


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