To see the update to this access please click on the ink above. It will take you to that section of the section.
For a report on a day trip terminating at the 59 Bridge click on the link below.
The 59 Bridge access of the Trinity River is less than three miles from the community of Goodrich, Texas.

This is a nice access with several options for parking. The access is on the south west side of the bridge. Entrance to this access is on the southbound 59 side. Though there are no amenities this is a class 1 access. For explanation of river accesses ratings please read the articles Classification of Water Accesses and Scouting River Bridges & Accesses.

This is a generous area with a wide boat ramp and large parking areas.

Nearly ten miles upstream are the Goodrich 3278 accesses on either side of the river. The next downstream access is the 787 Bridge, a little over nineteen plus river miles.
For details on other river accesses please see the bottom of the article Classifications of Water Accesses.
Thanks for reading!
Update December 2024
From December 28th 2023 to August 5th of 2024 the Trinity River remained too high for canoeing. The river hit flood stage in January of 2024. In May of that year the river hit flood stage again. It stayed at flood stage for 22 days. It crested at 48.3' on May 4th and peak volume flowed 139,000 cubic feet per second.

On November 23rd 2024 I made a recon of the lower Trinity River. The trip started at the 3278 Bridge and ended at the 59 Bridge. This canoe trip required a shuttle, so the first Trinity bridge I saw that day was the 59 Bridge.
There was some bent metal on one of the piers and some sand blocked a portion of the boat ramp, but the access was serviceable. There were some trucks and boat trailers parked at the access when we got out later in the day. Bank fishermen were enjoying the facility.
This observation was made on a canoeing trip, so the details may be lacking. I hope this is useful!
Thanks for reading!
