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Trinity River Access Detail: The Goodrich US 59 Bridge

Updated: Mar 5, 2023

The 59 Bridge access of the Trinity River is less than three miles from the community of Goodrich, Texas.

This is a nice access with several options for parking. The access is on the south west side of the bridge. Though there are no amenities this is a class 1 access. For explanation of river accesses ratings please read the articles Classification of Water Accesses and Scouting River Bridges & Accesses.

This is a generous area with a wide boat ramp and large parking areas.

I don't know the connection between dumped animal carcasses and river accesses, but it is a common observance.

Nearly ten miles upstream are the Goodrich 3278 accesses on either side of the river. The next downstream access is the 787 Bridge, a little over nineteen plus river miles.

For details on other river accesses please see the bottom of the article Classifications of Water Accesses.

Thanks for reading!


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