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Trinity River Access Detail: The Liberty 90 Bridge

Updated: Dec 10, 2023

Just east of the edge of Liberty, Texas US Highway 90 stretches across the Trinity River.

This bridge, or the land adjacent to it has been an active construction sight for several years. I don't know what they are building, but there is a large laydown yard with a lot of equipment and activity.

I call this a class 1 access, but the ongoing construction might compromise leaving a vehicle at this bridge. There are no public restrooms, grills, picnic tables or trash cans at this facility, but the town of Liberty is near. For explanation of river accesses ratings please read the articles Classification of Water Accesses and Scouting River Bridges & Accesses.

The images above are from August of 2021.Those below are January 2023. It seems the Trinity is still accessible. Graffiti is the ever present eyesore. I don't condone it or censor it. It is there and if you make it to the river you will see it, along with the other unsightly things. There is beauty there too. It seems we can not have one without the other.

Upstream some twenty-six miles the Cleveland 105 Bridge crosses the Trinity River.

For details on other river accesses please see the bottom of the article Classifications of Water Accesses.

Thanks for reading!


Update, December 2023

Anticipating a run on the Trinity my son and I made a check on the 90 Bridge. Normally I wouldn't check on a class 1 access but the 90 Bridge had been an ongoing construction site for years. I didn't want to come from upstream and find a baracade or barges blocking us from exiting the river.

Fortunately the construction is finished and the site is largly cleared. There is a gernerous improved area to park vehicles. Please see the images below.

Thanks for reading!


The Trinity is as inviting as ever!

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